Invasive Plants

Invasive plants are a serious threat to every ecosystem. Unfortunately, not only do many of them continue to be sold in garden centers and greenhouses, but some have even been mass planted by municipalities in the past (local example: Norway Maples are abundant on Winthrop sidewalks) Because these plants are so detrimental to native habitat and wildlife, it is vital that we eradicate these species wherever we can.

Above, I have linked to the Mass Audobon’s list of invasive plant species of Massachusetts. This is a good starting point. In addition, a good plant IDing app on your phone is an incredible tool in helping fight invasives. My personal go-to is PlantNet (Android) (iOS), but there are tons of great options.

Because there are some species that are much more prevalent in the Winthrop area than other, below I am adding some of these species, with more in-depth info about the plant, identification, and eradication tips.

I am always happy to help identify plants and even help with removal if I have the time, so please feel free to reach out at any time.


(Phragmites Australis)